About Us
The Coalition on Human Needs and Partnership for America’s Children are excited to partner on this national Child Tax Credit outreach project.

The Coalition on Human Needs (CHN) is an alliance of national organizations working together to promote public policies which address the needs of low-income and other vulnerable people. The Coalition’s members include civil rights, religious, labor, and professional organizations, service providers and those concerned with the well being of children, women, the elderly, and people with disabilities. To learn more about the Coalition on Human Needs, click here.

The Partnership for America’s Children’s mission is to support its network of state and community child advocacy organizations in effective advocacy. The Partnership connects its members to peer expertise and national resources and facilitates interstate collaborations to deepen the level of impact of child advocacy within and across states. It fosters policy expertise, advocacy skills, and strong organizations. To learn more about the Partnership for America’s Children, click here.